Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Blog

Hi everyone welcome to my new blog 'Intuitive Insights', if you arrive here and see nothing bear with me while I get set up. I will be posting some insights within the next few days. I've been doing this work my whole life behind the scenes and then more visibly the past 20 yrs. as I got more in touch with these abilities.

I thought a blog format might be fun verses the email newsletters, and on line groups I've been doing. This way people can choose to read the info if they wish either through search engines, or by clicking on my blog.

I'll post insights as I 'get them' this may be random, or monthly [the newsletter was on a monthly basis, or when I had sufficient info. to share.]

As a human being I certainly have lots of opinions, so I generally sit with the info. I receive for a bit before posting it to make sure I'm delivering a clear message, in fact I've been guilty of over discerning and 'sitting' on some predictions only to find they come true and make the news before I've announced them .

When I see a future event it is called a 'probable reality' which can of course change due to free will, free choice, and other factors, but for the most part I've been successful with accuracy. My opinions don't effect my predictions, intuitions or visions, but to the contrary these have helped me to form some of the beliefs and opinions that I now have.

I look forward to our spirited discussions and shared interests!

Peace and blessings,

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Marie,I posted your blog link on my blog!
